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Position:Home>Poetry> Number 3 in the mansion series, will you visit?

Question:Golden Mansion

The mansion sits upon the hill,
It's stately profile gleams.
From high atop it's widow's walk,
Surveying lands of dreams.

A kingly place there is no doubt,
Of marble and of stone,
It sparkles in the morning's light,
Up on it's hill alone.

All who would look upon this sight,
The splendor would impress.
That would not see the place is filled,
With ice cold loneliness.

The many rooms need to be filled,
With love and yes with you.
With many children playing games,
And happy laughter too.

But gone your are, you've left this world,
You're just a memory.
But you're still here within my heart,
That makes you real to me.

This house with all it's spendid rooms,
I built because of love.
Before we got to share it though,
You went to live above.

But in this mansion on it's hill,
I feel you here with me.
And in the land that it surveys,
Still in my heart you'll be.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Golden Mansion

The mansion sits upon the hill,
It's stately profile gleams.
From high atop it's widow's walk,
Surveying lands of dreams.

A kingly place there is no doubt,
Of marble and of stone,
It sparkles in the morning's light,
Up on it's hill alone.

All who would look upon this sight,
The splendor would impress.
That would not see the place is filled,
With ice cold loneliness.

The many rooms need to be filled,
With love and yes with you.
With many children playing games,
And happy laughter too.

But gone your are, you've left this world,
You're just a memory.
But you're still here within my heart,
That makes you real to me.

This house with all it's spendid rooms,
I built because of love.
Before we got to share it though,
You went to live above.

But in this mansion on it's hill,
I feel you here with me.
And in the land that it surveys,
Still in my heart you'll be.

I love your Mansion Series. The content is so poignant, the poetry's structure excellent, the imagery so clear. Of all the poets here, you write the most musical poetry; they could easily be published as songs.

I visited and am impressed. You know your mansions!

It's so beautiful, it made me cry again. Sometimes I think you do it on purpose, you like me to cry. Then I realize that you are just doing what you are so good at. Being sensitive and caring. I hope I can find someone like you to share my life with. Beautiful poem.


Where is this mantion u speak of?

It's beautiful always, your lines pass from my eyes to heart, from heart unto soul and leave an impression there...
the mansion is in my soul now...

Thank you sweet Dondi...
I always wanted a mansion of my own...
Now I have one in my heart.
Beautifully written.
I am really enjoying the Mansion series.
Well done.

Aww...How sad...This is so good..I wish I could poems take hours and sometimes days to write and then just just turn out all stupid...I know you shouldn't assume that a writer is writing about himself but this is so sad and seems so personal I can't help but think your writing about a wife that died too young and you never got to have children with her...I wouldn't feel right visiting..this place is a place for you and your memories...

beautiful my friend simply beautiful

Oh, Dondi, you are a devil with words. You really know how to make the ladies cry. I think maybe some men too, but the macho types would never admit it. Beautiful. It's no wonder you are so loved.

Absolutely fascinating.

Typo or no typo, it's awesome.

It's good I'm not a girl, I'll be on you like white on rice. You have a way with words that most can only wish for. My girlfriend doesn't do Y!A, but said to tell you thanks.