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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem plz read?

Question:what do u think of my poem
plz make any suggestion i am open to any thanks

four kids at home,
all half grown,
playstation 3 , nintendo wii + all need new phones
computer is crashed, laptop is slow
parents are stressed, vacuum has blown


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what do u think of my poem
plz make any suggestion i am open to any thanks

four kids at home,
all half grown,
playstation 3 , nintendo wii + all need new phones
computer is crashed, laptop is slow
parents are stressed, vacuum has blown


i think its funny and great

the funniest part is about the vacuum has blown b/c its like one more thing to raise the stress level

keep writing!!

wow that could be a new parental joke book

I think it is too random. You need to write about something that has a point.

haha kewl if you wanted to show it more to the public go to they accept ANYTHING i tell you ANYTHING!!!

at the end you should be like what else is new??

I like it. I think it looks at a common situation in a humorous way. Its good.

Cute and Humoruos

its good you should be a poet, it would take me forever to come up with that poem! it would take me forever to come up with any poem!