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Position:Home>Poetry> Anyone know this rest of this poem?

Question:the rabit

there once was a rabit who developed the habit .
of twichy the end of his nose
now down in the dell........ dose anyone now the rest?

it was for easter but i'm too late now lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the rabit

there once was a rabit who developed the habit .
of twichy the end of his nose
now down in the dell........ dose anyone now the rest?

it was for easter but i'm too late now lol

There once was a rabbit,that had the bad habit
Of twitching the end of his nose
His sisters and brothers, and various others
said "look at the way he goes"
But one little bunny said "Isn't it funny"
And practised it down in the dell
Said the others "if he can, I'm certain that we can"
And they all did it rather well
Now all the world over, where rabbits eat clover
And scratch in the dirt with their toes
Each little rabbit has got the bad habit
Of twitching the end of his nose.