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Position:Home>Poetry> How is this poem? Any suggestions?

Question:Forever and Always we've constantly said, All warm and cozy in my bed.

I hear your heartbeat, its racing mine, our thought of love, oh so divine.

A year and two have soon to pass, Now we say [Lets make it last].

Consentrating on this, our present and past, We [Wonder] the future which will come to pass.

How long is Forever, and [When] is Always.

Were one of those couples who strive to forget, all because [Our] stupid regrets.

Its too far gone, we cant go back, Lets add this up with the rest of the [Stack].

Keeping it in is so easy for you, but what if people really knew? Would you be ashamed? Yeah, I would too.

All these [Questions] control our minds, all because [We] crossed that line.

No longer are we on the side, the side that locks, [Of course] we're on the side that mocks.

What if no one knew, Would it still [Haunt] our minds? Our minds which know our crimes.

Would things go better, Could we change our minds? To pay our fines for these filthy time

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Forever and Always we've constantly said, All warm and cozy in my bed.

I hear your heartbeat, its racing mine, our thought of love, oh so divine.

A year and two have soon to pass, Now we say [Lets make it last].

Consentrating on this, our present and past, We [Wonder] the future which will come to pass.

How long is Forever, and [When] is Always.

Were one of those couples who strive to forget, all because [Our] stupid regrets.

Its too far gone, we cant go back, Lets add this up with the rest of the [Stack].

Keeping it in is so easy for you, but what if people really knew? Would you be ashamed? Yeah, I would too.

All these [Questions] control our minds, all because [We] crossed that line.

No longer are we on the side, the side that locks, [Of course] we're on the side that mocks.

What if no one knew, Would it still [Haunt] our minds? Our minds which know our crimes.

Would things go better, Could we change our minds? To pay our fines for these filthy time

This is a wonderful poem. It's realistic and expresses common feelings of regret.

Mixed emotions to say the least! Love or hate? Resentment and Regret for the consequences of it all? It's too much mindgames.

I think it's a good effort, but you're focusing too much on making it rhyme smoothly, which isn't what poetry is about. Put some powerful words in it that mean something to you. Rhyme should only be used if it further expresses your emotion.

I think it's pretty good.
If you change the second half a little it would sound better. Keeping it more like the first half.
Nice work:)

I agree that you're trying to hard to make it rhyme that you forgot to put your meaning in there. Work with it some more. If it doesn't rhyme then it doesn't rhyme. Poetry doesn't always rhyme.