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Position:Home>Poetry> You're right guys, no sonnets, let's try limericks!!!!!!?

Question:So sorry my dear, I was bad
And your sis was the one that I had
In fact it was twice
Both times were quite nice
I sincerely hope you're not mad

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So sorry my dear, I was bad
And your sis was the one that I had
In fact it was twice
Both times were quite nice
I sincerely hope you're not mad

Bursting out loud laughing!! The first answerer did a good one as well.

i once had a two dollar whore
that made my balls sore
she got up on top
and bounced around a lot
until my two boys couldn't take anymore


Lol! Hmmm... how about...
A lady who lived in Penang
was known to enjoy a good bang.
She went down on the Duke, the gardener, the cook...
and a randy old orang-utang!

No not mad but rather sad
you see my sis not here
rather AC/DC Brad
Sis was no where near
Sorry, you enjoyed a lad

Yes he dressed as a she
looked like a she, even
talked like a she but no not a
she but a he. He said though
you very nice, loved you as a beau!

P.S. yes beau and though are stretching

LMFAO!!!!!!!! we just did limericks in english....omg this is waaaaay better than any of the ones ive heard lately. lolz