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Position:Home>Poetry> Are these Elves in danger, once I wake up?

Question:Servant Problems

Is today Saturday?
Tell me, is it morning?
I see the Sun...
That don't mean nothing!

I could be dreaming Light!
What is that I hear?
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!
No SUV's in the kitchen!

Must be my coffee pot!
Off with the comforter!
On with the slippers!
Cozy, fluffy robe!

Out of my bedroom
ZOOM! On the double!
Gotta get that brew
Then there'll be trouble!

Housekeeper Elves are
Playing Poker, drinking beer....
They're supposed to bring coffe
But, firsr let me say

Good Morning! To you!

Now, for those Elves!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Servant Problems

Is today Saturday?
Tell me, is it morning?
I see the Sun...
That don't mean nothing!

I could be dreaming Light!
What is that I hear?
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!
No SUV's in the kitchen!

Must be my coffee pot!
Off with the comforter!
On with the slippers!
Cozy, fluffy robe!

Out of my bedroom
ZOOM! On the double!
Gotta get that brew
Then there'll be trouble!

Housekeeper Elves are
Playing Poker, drinking beer....
They're supposed to bring coffe
But, firsr let me say

Good Morning! To you!

Now, for those Elves!

I'd be checking what is in the coffee, unicorns, now elves! You even missspellled! Good morning.

I'd like to know why those elves didn't get my coffee ready this morning!


elves are a little bit of a problem. they drink and forget. good morning to you.

Nah , you couldn't hurt the elves and you know it !!!!!

It began with a ryme and a post
The forum became my new host
But just like a troll
Greed soon took its toll
But as yet I've nothing to boast

I do it at late night you see
While you sleep, I sneak tee hee hee
Into the forum
I read them and score'em
With my ten points I make history

I'll speak in odd toungues to dare you
Manderin chinese it will scare boo!
But I can cause cringe
With a rednecking binge
Ah'll hare'lip ah haller r'two

At least they're not trolls! (Third cup and I'm wired!)

You're lucky.........
Mine wear wooden shoes...
They run up and down the stairs by twos...
In the kitchen they clikker and clatter...
Til I get up to see what's the matter.

They shout... and toss things about...
While they playfully... tease me...
In what seems their never ending quest...
For new tricks to try and see who is best...

Chickens they're not...
Because they eat eggs...
But only after porridge that's hot...
Please Sir!!! Can I have more, one begs...

Now they're done...
So out they by one...
Off to work and school they say...
Only to start over another day...

Good Morning to you too....
Whooooo Hoooooo!!!!

Good morning to you !! I just enjoyed it ...........As I'm Drinking my ELVES LESS cup o'coffee ...................

I have a huge smile on my face now
That'll be there the rest of the day

The Elfen people sidestep into the shadows,
whispering their Elfen lore and laughing with glee,
'Our Human awakes!' They chant,
'..with sleep in her eyes!' They rant

'Here she comes, beware her feet.' They tease
dancing merrily grabbing up the last of the dust pixies
'Out of her way, she is in need of her brew!' they watch
as she prances by. In sing song unison they raise their
voices. 'A Pleasant Good Morning to You!'

See my last two....

My elves must have overslept. They didn't make any for me this morning. Good Morning.

The elves have been a problem ever since they got a union. Now they get coffee breaks, days off, and health benefits. And they aren't in much danger so long as they have the giant as a sgt of arms.

Very Nice...!!

Good Afternoon!!!
I went back to bed the first time I read this Elys.
The little beggers drank all the coffee and the kitchen was in a real mess. Rice Krispies, Sugar Crisp and Shredded Wheat all over the floor. Orange juice up one wall and down the other. Pop Tarts burnt in the toaster and Pancakes on the ceiling. The only safe place for me was under the covers...where my thoughts could ramble...hoping it had all been a bad dream.
When I got up again all was quiet...where could they be...
I I ventured back out to the kitchen...
only to see.....
It was not my kitchen where they had there fun...
But yours where the damage was done....

Those mischevious little elves...........

Oh my your such an odd lady but then of course you are how else could you be a writer if you were a normal person? I've never met a writer who was " normal"..Well I'm really sleepy so I guess i will just have to do a driveby staring