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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you read my poem?

Question:This is my poem:

I am but a child in this great world of wandering
Yet to experience the new and unknown

I sit stil, waiting to be discovered
By the spark of learning and knowledge

Passive, quiet, weeping in shadows
Staring at the glint of sunlight I can barely see

Welling up and diving down so deep
Desire and pashion, so close to my heart

Yet a child cannot escape
From this tyranny of ignorance

For the door to the world of information
Locked many ways ago

Do you like my poem?
What should I change/remove/edit?
What do you think my poem is about?

There are no typos, even if something looks wierd, that's what it's supposed to be.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is my poem:

I am but a child in this great world of wandering
Yet to experience the new and unknown

I sit stil, waiting to be discovered
By the spark of learning and knowledge

Passive, quiet, weeping in shadows
Staring at the glint of sunlight I can barely see

Welling up and diving down so deep
Desire and pashion, so close to my heart

Yet a child cannot escape
From this tyranny of ignorance

For the door to the world of information
Locked many ways ago

Do you like my poem?
What should I change/remove/edit?
What do you think my poem is about?

There are no typos, even if something looks wierd, that's what it's supposed to be.

Did you mean to misspell passion? well anyway, it seems like its a poem about how we oppress children's desire for knowledge... they're just observers in the vast world around them, and when they want to know whats going on, everyone else just blocks their eyes... not letting them in to a world they'll eventually live in...

Its a rather nice poem, very deep in some places, though the last line confuses me... Locked many ways ago? Do you mean, locked many ways, a long time ago?

Other than that, its a nice poem

I usually don't like ones like this, But I do like it.
Nice work:)

hmm i know you say their are no typos but i don't understand pashion. overall very good. Work on improving meter and expand on the idea of the tyranny of ignorance.
great poem keep witting.

It's pretty good, but I have to say that your misspellings only look like typos and don't add anything to the poem. I suspect that your misspellings are supposed to represent the fact that this is written in a child's voice. A child who seeks knowledge and experience but is for some reason hindered. However, despite that fact, the misspellings are still not necessary. They merely serve create a snag in the flow of your words. I would suggest that you reconsider the misspellings. Other than that, good poem.

There is a typo
Pashion isnt a word
I think you mean passion

That is fierce. Very deep and inspireing. I think it stands out, you should keep writing. I don't think it need to be changed, I like it the way it is :)
my interpretation is that its about children not being able to do the things they desire and not being able to get all the knowledge they want all the time. That they have to sit and wait for the right time. It could be different then what you wrote it about though. I like it anyway.

I could read it...thanks to my kindergarten teacher...gosh that lady was nice...her name was Mrs. Kronquist. I have no idea if that's how it's spelled, but that's how it sounds...good memories. Mrs. Kronquist, if you read this, thanks a lot for teaching me to read and stuff. (I'm sorry for saying "stuff." I know it's a weak word.) Oh, and sorry you had to put up with my brothers. Thank you for teaching them, too.

Im trying to imagane what you felt while writting this..
Its kinda emotional...but it has faith..
Its beautiful..seriously...dont stop writting...
Plese remember this ok....Poetry is art, once art is painted, you cant remove it...Its about how you feel, its very private, and it doesnt have to mean anything..
The same with poetry, it doesnt have to mean anything to anyone but yourself, once you write it, DO NOT change it..
Otherwise your ruining a perfectly good poem..
Leave it the way it is...its perfect..
I would call it either "A reach to freedom" or "So close to freedom"


yes i can read your poem

There is a song that conveys much of this entire poem's meaning in just nine words: 'And their eyes are bound 'round with ships' sails.'

This poem needs that kind of power--that kind of imagery and vividness of verb usage.

You might intend the typos for 'stil' and pashion,' but all they do is make the poem look as if it was written by someone who was too lazy to proofread.

An editor who sees misspellings like that will simply reject the poem and consider the author to be unprofessional. Use correct spellings, punctuation, and grammar. You also need to add a comma after 'wandering.'

needs to be more imagery and needs work

Poems are supposed to rhyme.

And they should start with the following line:
There once was a mwa from Nantucket...

THAT IS SOOO GOOD!!!! i dont know about the title, though...