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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem --------------?

Question:roll credits

One day the day came and went like any other.
Yet our hero felt the end in sight and sought
out the orchestra and attempted to track the shot
from the grassy knoll.

And the Villain, in all his trench-coated glory,
cut the sidekick down with his
razor-sharp bowler hat.

Our hero sets down his sword
but for a moment, and is caught
off-guard by the soft scent of
Hata Mari.

Reduced to a purring satisfaction,
the sultry spy leaves our hero
spent and handcuffed to the headboard.

He awakens to the sound of a buzz saw
grinding to a halt on his
3” thick stainless steel codfish.

Bursting from his bonds,
our hero slices his way thru the henchman, confronting
the leering Villain on the Bridge of Sighs.

They fight, thrust and parry
unto the very edge
where the Villain falls into
the open maw of a great white shark.

While our hero stepped over the bodies
on the way to the House of Chanel
for a little Brazilian-waxed jello bunny
in a fast Aston-Martini
on the Gold Coast Riviera Sunset Paradise of Love.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: roll credits

One day the day came and went like any other.
Yet our hero felt the end in sight and sought
out the orchestra and attempted to track the shot
from the grassy knoll.

And the Villain, in all his trench-coated glory,
cut the sidekick down with his
razor-sharp bowler hat.

Our hero sets down his sword
but for a moment, and is caught
off-guard by the soft scent of
Hata Mari.

Reduced to a purring satisfaction,
the sultry spy leaves our hero
spent and handcuffed to the headboard.

He awakens to the sound of a buzz saw
grinding to a halt on his
3” thick stainless steel codfish.

Bursting from his bonds,
our hero slices his way thru the henchman, confronting
the leering Villain on the Bridge of Sighs.

They fight, thrust and parry
unto the very edge
where the Villain falls into
the open maw of a great white shark.

While our hero stepped over the bodies
on the way to the House of Chanel
for a little Brazilian-waxed jello bunny
in a fast Aston-Martini
on the Gold Coast Riviera Sunset Paradise of Love.

Well, I think I get it, and I love it. It's got style - panache and pizazz. Not every poem has to search deep into the soul. Sometimes it's just good to have fun. This you do - with images and with the words themselves. Let me know when the movie is released.

What's the question?

Yes, it is a poem.

I think I must have spent too much time in LJ's Poetryslamming community.

I'm guessing this is not a serious poem; it's just for fun? Because it looks like a mish-mash. If there is supposed to be a deeper meaning to it, I'm not getting it.

i don't get it