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Question:When you believe in God, you can write shiit like this in 15 seconds:

I believe
by TD Euwaite

if God were made of mortar and stone
would he fall from the sky?
and if the dreams can really die
then at their funerals, please don't cry
pick the pieces up and march along
and sing a dirge to love
...and the dove of piece
has such scrawny meat
enough for you to eat...alone...tonight...

Wait for it.............Ta Dah!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you believe in God, you can write shiit like this in 15 seconds:

I believe
by TD Euwaite

if God were made of mortar and stone
would he fall from the sky?
and if the dreams can really die
then at their funerals, please don't cry
pick the pieces up and march along
and sing a dirge to love
...and the dove of piece
has such scrawny meat
enough for you to eat...alone...tonight...

Wait for it.............Ta Dah!

Great piece, yet I was a little uncomfortable with God's Name being so close to a profane intro.

you misspelled peace, hmmmmm, intentional?

Is that rap or what?

It's nice....The end is kind of depressing for what seems like a very inspirational poem.
Just my humble opinion.

Concrete Feet

That is the title of my next poem.

Wanna race?!

TD, it's beautiful, i like poems about death. you inspired my next poem.

what are you asking man?

God would fall, I'd cry at the funeral, and enjoy dove and biscuit stew.
Didn't get my, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!!!!!!!!!


Dove of peace. And as for "peice", sheesh, it's "i" before "e" except after "c", except for a bunch of words that don't follow that rule.

Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my anal retentive headset, I want to say that first off it appears we can type the word pussy now -- that is so cool. Second, I liked this poem, I thought you were going to go all Jehovah's Witness on me but I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, dreams can really die. And I don't say it because I believe it to be so, but it is what it is. Good poem