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Position:Home>Poetry> This poem rhymes I think what do you think?

Question:When I was a boy
I walked my woodland with joy and a little sadness
It was my solace
It was my place
Each tree I knew and its face
I climbed my pine
So tall and straight
And perched, eagle like, to watch and wait
To see the lovers come and go
To see the fox that I had come to know
The mists of dawn the sun peeping through
The call of a dove and the morning dew
And all the while I’d watch and wait
Atop my pine so tall and straight.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I was a boy
I walked my woodland with joy and a little sadness
It was my solace
It was my place
Each tree I knew and its face
I climbed my pine
So tall and straight
And perched, eagle like, to watch and wait
To see the lovers come and go
To see the fox that I had come to know
The mists of dawn the sun peeping through
The call of a dove and the morning dew
And all the while I’d watch and wait
Atop my pine so tall and straight.


I enjoyed this poem very much.

I just finished reading an autobiography by the late Katherine Hepburn called "Me" and I was surprised that she loved climbing trees when she was young.

Trees are truly magical things. I used to love climbing a weeping willow. It was huge and beautiful.

For a grumpy old man that was good

That sounds amazing! It really shows how solitude can lead to someone loving nature.

Sure, it rhymes. Nice work too.

ye its amazing did you write it ? it rymes perfectly!


Some parts yes

Grumpy old man. Now that's what I call precedence. Great work
Best wishes, Peter

Yes, it does. I like it a lot. Very good.