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Question:When there is a holiday going on, I always make a card for my mom. But on the cord i ahve pictures but i also need poems. can u give me a good website that has poems from mothers fro each holiday. if anyone also finds me Bulgarian pomes(becuase im form bulgaria) I will give her or himthe 10 points. I need the website . please dont say ust type n google otr yahoo or ask,.com:]thankss

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When there is a holiday going on, I always make a card for my mom. But on the cord i ahve pictures but i also need poems. can u give me a good website that has poems from mothers fro each holiday. if anyone also finds me Bulgarian pomes(becuase im form bulgaria) I will give her or himthe 10 points. I need the website . please dont say ust type n google otr yahoo or ask,.com:]thankss

Here are some Mother's Day poems:
Same site but all holiday poems:

Hope this helps.

write one your mom will love that