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Question:help with a poem about bunnies
appropriate and good nice ones

10pts to the best one no joke

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: help with a poem about bunnies
appropriate and good nice ones

10pts to the best one no joke

The Rabbit

Brown bunny sites inside his burrow
Till everything is still,
Then out he slips along the furrow,
Or up the grassy hill.

He nibbles all about the bushes,
Or sits to wash his face,
But at a sound he stamps, and rushes
At a surprising pace.

You see some little streaks and flashes,
A last sharp twink of white,
And down his hidy-hole he dashes
And disappears from sight.

Edith King

Why does this sound like homework. This is a question and answer forum, not a "do my homework for me" forum.


Baby bunnies are so pretty
And everyone knows they're just as witty
Always good as a buddy
Bot sometimes they do go nutty
Everyone should have a cute little bunny
Yep, this poem is weirdly funny.

Why don't u make one yourself..It seems you like Easter a lot...There's your inspiration.

Rabbits and bunnies and hares, oh my.
How is it they send, Easter eggs from the sky?
Do they roost? Do they crow? Do they sit on a nest?
And why do I like, the yellow ones best?

Scrambled or fried or poached? I like boiled.
Gather them fresh, before they are soiled.
One thing I wonder, and what is the reason,
Do Santa's elves paint them, in the off season?

Maybe a bit off track but I just couldn't help myself. I'm not in control of these crazy things called words.

Best Wishes
