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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you think this spoof on 'The Lord of the Rings' is possible?

Question:What A Day For A Nightmare

Lord Sauron had a problem.
And, it wasn't with a Hobbit.
His latest girlfriend's name
Was Lorena Bobbitt.

Now, Aragorn was terrified.
Gandalf wasn't much better.
The Orcs and Trolls were horrified,
Cause ole Lorena wore that Ring!

What have we here? It's Frodo!
Sword, and Sam, to save the day!
Frodo's sword got that Ring, alright!
Turnabout's fair play....!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What A Day For A Nightmare

Lord Sauron had a problem.
And, it wasn't with a Hobbit.
His latest girlfriend's name
Was Lorena Bobbitt.

Now, Aragorn was terrified.
Gandalf wasn't much better.
The Orcs and Trolls were horrified,
Cause ole Lorena wore that Ring!

What have we here? It's Frodo!
Sword, and Sam, to save the day!
Frodo's sword got that Ring, alright!
Turnabout's fair play....!

Great work! Dear Ma'am can you kindly pen down a poetry on Indigenous Peoples

Howling! You get the first cup of brew in the morning!

Only the fair Elysabeth could come up with that one. I love it.
Possible, yes, even plausible.

AHHHH YES !!!.YES it is..........Is it mornin' all ready ??.............Made my Night ......

Thank You

This was really great and i love the Bobbitt person that made me laugh 'as we all remember what she did to her husband;,, ouch..



I think this is awesome! I totally love it!

Pretty good , yep I like it

Well by golly, that was just plum spectacular. Lets do it again........