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Question:A lone cello
Consciously echoes
The notes of a soul

Reflective eyes
Detect the somber
Collecting memories
That once were asleep

Sway a mood
To the bittersweet
Play me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A lone cello
Consciously echoes
The notes of a soul

Reflective eyes
Detect the somber
Collecting memories
That once were asleep

Sway a mood
To the bittersweet
Play me

This is excellent. You tell the story with so few words. I love it! TD


I liked your first two stanzas, but why the rhyme for the last, makes not sense to me.? Cello music flows, floats, cries, it does not sing-song like your last bit.

Just an observation, if it works for you (or others) such it is.

I love to hear a cello play. It's pretty good. Did you mean to rhyme the last stanza?

sombre, its SOMBRE. otherwise, great.

I really like it. It seems...peaceful. I find the last two lines very effective: short and sweet. Lovely, thanks!

You are the cello, it seems, in the darkened room of sadness.
And, while the sounds of a cello are, indeed soothing, it can also harbor discordant notes. Great alliteration here!!!!

Great poem, very tightly written, and complete in itself. Well done, done well!!!! Kudos!

Very descriptive, well tuned. Perhaps a fiddle next time for some lighter melodies! lol

I like it, the feeling I get is of a long time love. The fire and heavy passion is gone, the mellow comfort of just being. There something about the last three words, just don't fit. Thank you for sharing.

Terrific! A cello is also the favorite lone instrument at Yom Kippur. Really moving.