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Position:Home>Poetry> Can someone write me a short poem that stimulates all 5 of you sences.?

Question:It would be really helpful. About 4-8 lines. That rhyme. doesnt have to be about love, it just had to have a topic. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It would be really helpful. About 4-8 lines. That rhyme. doesnt have to be about love, it just had to have a topic. Thanks.

I look at you, then look away

I inhale your unforgettable scent

I hear your voice, so gentle and clear

And wonder where all the time went

I touch your hand, then grasp it tight

We kiss and I taste your sweet lips

But then you leave me all alone

And I feel my heart rip

do your homework!!

howw bout do it yourself

I see the wonderful, swaying trees
Standing there, in the distance
I can feel the cold, winter breeze
As it flows with some resistance
I taste that delicious, cocoa drink
And smell its past existence
I hear that familiar annoying sound
Of birds chirping presistence


I watch you being created,
And I anticipate your taste,
The way you melt down my throat,
I'll never let one bit of you go to waste.
You look like white snow,
With little black bits,
The smell is so precious,
My nose is having fits.
The sound of crunching in my teeth,
And the smacking of my lips,
The blender stirring you around,
I know I'm going to regret this.
Oh Oreo Blizzard,
How you look, taste, and smell so good,
I hate so much to have to eat you,
But oh well you knew that I would.

idk i was bored. so there.

Hear the words come from between my lips,
See me as I put my glitter lip gloss on,
Smell the scent as it travels to your nose through the air,
Touch your lips to mine with a romantic soft kiss,
Taste the strawberry-kiwi flavor they leave on your lips.

Wow! I just thought of that! LOL

Looking at the moonbeams I see
A heavenly ocean above me
And with the touch of my minds eyes
I cannot contain the joy I feel inside

For I feel the kiss of a pastlife time in my mind
And wish that it were a kiss in this time and not my mind

A scent on the breeze fills me with need
to see all that time has instore for me

With hope I taste the sweet nectar of loves embrace
And quietly sigh as I gaze at the night sky

With wonder hear a song in my soul
Echoing back with a longing of its own