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A guy can dream, can’t he?
By TD Euwaite

You know what you want
You want to grab her by the zipper
And slip her out of that gown
Dressed down, to hose and pink panties


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
A guy can dream, can’t he?
By TD Euwaite

You know what you want
You want to grab her by the zipper
And slip her out of that gown
Dressed down, to hose and pink panties



I feel like it needs

I was just getting into it..... need to keep the poem going

it sound like what ima do tonight!

I like it! It could be longer, but that's up to you!

A+ my friend. TD, this is your best poem yet. I would have preferred a description of her measurements etc. but hey this is a positive start.

i like it.
it conveys vivid thoughts of temptation, unbridled-lust , and desire in just a few words.
very well done.

My goodness! You sure switch gears in a hurry! LOL!
That's it??? To me it kind of seemms like the end or beginning of a longer poem.....Nice though. :-)

Why pink?

There be hunger in that there poem... as intended.

Not at all a fan of pink
with a special one I enjoy the "slink"
and gown or slacks falling to ground
would hopefully cause both to "bound"

As once sung in Snow White maybe, or was it Cinderlyn?

A dream is a wish a heart makes.

Rock on.

Steven Wolf

This is what she actually wants:;...

A girl can dream too, can't she? =)

Very strongly. How about black?

You know what I want, and you know you know!

No arguements there.

Roses are red
Violets are blue

I may not look like Mae West
But I guess I'll do

So save up your nickels
And save up your dimes

And when you get to quarters
Come up and see me sometime!

its kinda perverted

What is hose? Is it stockings? Or tights?
Gee, what an awful image, even a beautiful girl must be off-putting in tights (over the pink panties) but does anyone still wear stockings?
Maybe they do and I am leading a sheltered life!

well im not a guy but i can understand how you would feel strongly...

LOL, well don't hold back by all means <3

Encore, Encore!

you so silly sometimes *^_^*

I like it !! ........RED works for me .......

Short & the rest left to the imagination