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Question:Its morning
its true
coffee brews
rings stop
Sun appears
clouds gone
my its good
lifes treats!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its morning
its true
coffee brews
rings stop
Sun appears
clouds gone
my its good
lifes treats!

I still ain't awake
And that's a shame!
Don't know if it's
The Dwarves
Or the pollen to blame!

What, oh what, would
I do....
Without that
Good Morning!

From all of YOU!!!!

Thanks, and telling you guys your poetry is fun, good, WAY not enough!!!'re a doll!!!!!

tea, for me
earl gray
cream and sugar, yes...or, no, the pink packet
i need to watch my calories, in case i don't die in a car wreck

O coffee,
thou heavenly
liquid that
maketh me
rise in the morning.
Grant me the
energy to go
through the day
and take the world,
to twirl it on my fingertip.

Good morning!

Coffee, coffee, brewing bright!
Lord, it's strong...
It stood all night.

I awake
Kids hungry
They eat
Get dressed
That first sip
Splendid delight
Now I can function

The first thing I do
when I get out of bed
is prepare my brew
and clear my head
I let the dogs out
stare in the air like a brussel sprout

can't think today. not enough coffee

Good brew
Biscuit too
Sun bright
My delight
Where are you?