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Question:An Aging Writer's Poem

I do not climb as many mountains as I used to
I worry too much about falling
Crashing down the mountain side
Tumbling in failure
Landing in pieces
On the rocks below.

I didn't used to fear mountains
I didn't find them daunting nor dangerous
Now, as I age
As I see missteps and mistakes with greater clarity
I forget the beauty I see
The God I touch at mountain's peak,
At poem's finish.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: An Aging Writer's Poem

I do not climb as many mountains as I used to
I worry too much about falling
Crashing down the mountain side
Tumbling in failure
Landing in pieces
On the rocks below.

I didn't used to fear mountains
I didn't find them daunting nor dangerous
Now, as I age
As I see missteps and mistakes with greater clarity
I forget the beauty I see
The God I touch at mountain's peak,
At poem's finish.

I fall silent

I love it, and sadly, feel its truth.
Keep up the good work.

A perfect poem to go with the title, and I would have to concur with it. My poetic legs aren't what they used to be either, that's why I'm trying to grow poetic wings and to over come my fear of flying.

its ok.
it reads very well.
and i was sucked in to the story.

I love it. I hear the echo. Have you been to poets of mars dot com?