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Question:okay I am doing a poetry project and we're making poetry books but I have no idea what make my books name

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay I am doing a poetry project and we're making poetry books but I have no idea what make my books name

"Let Me Put My Poems in You" (from blades of glory-the movie- it is a great movie if you havent seen it) lol i am just kidding

but seriously what are your poems about and then i can make a serious suggestion.

How things are and what I wish they would be

go to

If you want a unique title, you could always try a random name generator, like this one:

Sometimes you get some real gems ;D
...and then the rest are random gibberish xD

A culmination of poems by__________(put your name here)
that sounds good to me. also, when you use big words around people who are not as "advanced" it is hilarious to watch their faces!