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Position:Home>Poetry> What was this poem called/who wrote it?

Question:Either what the poem was called or who wrote it. I know it was written by an older man.

But it was about a young boy and he made a poem called "chopstix" after his dog and his mom hung it on the refrigerator, there was a little girl who lived around the corner and they played tag and stuff.

A few years later the boy is a young teen and he wrote a poem called Autumn but he never showed it to his mother. Then the girl began to wear too much makeup.

A few years later, the boy wrote a poem called Nothing because that's what it was about. His father, Trude died. Then the girl stopped hugging him (or something like that)
So his life got worse and worse.

One year later the boy took a razor and "slitted both damned wrists and hung his work in the bathroom"

It was really sad. If you know who wrote this or what the poem is called please tell me!
Or just post your opinion about this poem.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Either what the poem was called or who wrote it. I know it was written by an older man.

But it was about a young boy and he made a poem called "chopstix" after his dog and his mom hung it on the refrigerator, there was a little girl who lived around the corner and they played tag and stuff.

A few years later the boy is a young teen and he wrote a poem called Autumn but he never showed it to his mother. Then the girl began to wear too much makeup.

A few years later, the boy wrote a poem called Nothing because that's what it was about. His father, Trude died. Then the girl stopped hugging him (or something like that)
So his life got worse and worse.

One year later the boy took a razor and "slitted both damned wrists and hung his work in the bathroom"

It was really sad. If you know who wrote this or what the poem is called please tell me!
Or just post your opinion about this poem.

Hard to tell which one.
Try to explore here:

your mom