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The Tinkerer
by TD Euwaite

“Pots and Pans! Pots and Pans!”
The tinker’s out front with his cart…
“Tea kettles mended! Fire place swept!”
Whatever needs done…he can,

“Clean up the yard, stitch a hem!”
He’s a crafty old geezer, is he,
“Solder or paste! Old knobs replaced!”
Bring your things broken to him,

“Garden weeded! Fix a screen!”
No riddle gets the better of him,
“Doors unlocked! Steps replaced!”
He’s got a good eye, a good bean.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
The Tinkerer
by TD Euwaite

“Pots and Pans! Pots and Pans!”
The tinker’s out front with his cart…
“Tea kettles mended! Fire place swept!”
Whatever needs done…he can,

“Clean up the yard, stitch a hem!”
He’s a crafty old geezer, is he,
“Solder or paste! Old knobs replaced!”
Bring your things broken to him,

“Garden weeded! Fix a screen!”
No riddle gets the better of him,
“Doors unlocked! Steps replaced!”
He’s got a good eye, a good bean.


Since I come from a time and place where there actually WERE tinkerers hawking their wares in the cobblestone streets, including little statuettes of the Virgin Mary which I so wanted but couldn't afford, this one takes me back a bit.

Yes, I remember liking this before. "Whatever needs done...he can", sounds wonderful...Just what I need at the moment.

Gunga Din by Kipling answers that just fine...almost exactly so if you know it.

it is great.
dont change it just add a little to it.
your on a roll with it, it just stops to soon.

I love this poem. As always, your poems evoke an image that creates a painting in my head. It's short, but there is a whole story in that poem. It is definitely among my favorites. Quite honestly, I wish this were my poem. I could very easily paint this. It's exactly what I need for an up and coming art show. Hopefully, it will inspire me as I have been suffering from writer's block lately.

lol...who you callin' "asstoot"?

That is my favorite line in the poem Annabelle!
TD, could you send that guy our way? The snow is melting and all the buried dog poop is starting to show....YUCK! What a mess. I'll pay top dollar!

Very lively, cute poem!! It makes me visualize the quiet streets of Mayberry.....

Great poem. It does draw pictures in my mind. Reminds me a lot of my brother.

That's extremely publishable, you know....and good....good...cute...
Send him over to fix a loud rooster!

my favorite part was the additional comment where you put 'asstoot'.

Yes please send him my way ....could use" em" for a week or so .......

Loved it

I like this one very much. It's fun.