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Position:Home>Poetry> Good Morning! Please comment on how my poem makes you feel...?

Question:Ripple as the brook
slow flow along the pebbles
did you pick one up
simple beauty you may revel

slow it down and pick one up
you're going way too fast
a time for everything
present, future, and the past

you must ripple as the brook
some days of your life
stop and pick one up
before your day becomes your night


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ripple as the brook
slow flow along the pebbles
did you pick one up
simple beauty you may revel

slow it down and pick one up
you're going way too fast
a time for everything
present, future, and the past

you must ripple as the brook
some days of your life
stop and pick one up
before your day becomes your night


makes me feel like I should be sure to enjoy every second of my life while I have the chance

It makes me realize and recall that life is a priceless worth which I can not pass by through.

Keep making poems.=] good luck.=]

Very tranquil I feel like a cool rock....well pebble anyway. Thanks for shareing , have a beautiful day, okay.

Delighted. Thanks for the reminder. I especially loved the 1st two lines- a tranquil tone.

Thanks for your poem.I have liked much.I feel good and very pleased. and seems you are talented.