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Position:Home>Poetry> Extended Metaphor?

Question:Okay, so like I no what an extended metaphor is, but I need to write one, with at least 3 examples of it, within the poem. Does anyone have an ORIGNIAL and NOT copied from a famous author that I could use as an example? Please respond ASAP!!!
? Corinna

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, so like I no what an extended metaphor is, but I need to write one, with at least 3 examples of it, within the poem. Does anyone have an ORIGNIAL and NOT copied from a famous author that I could use as an example? Please respond ASAP!!!
? Corinna

"The winds were ocean waves, thrashing against the trees' limbs.The gales remained thereafter, only ceasing when the sun went down. Their waves clashed brilliantly with the water beneath, bringing foam and dying leaves to the shore."

I don't know about the quality of this example turned in as homework, but it should define it nicely.

Her face is the perfect landscape amongst the world. Her eyes are deep blue oceans, calming me with it's peaceful reflections. Her hair is the brightest of forests in the summer, with every lock swaying the breeze with vivid colors and splendor. Her cheeks are a field of roses, spreading endlessly upon the meadow of her face, brightened further only by her shining spirit.