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Position:Home>Poetry> Is it Tuesday yet? I'm bored, ready to work on "Oh, What a Tangled Web

Question:I mean from Yahoo!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean from Yahoo!

I think Alobar deserves a shout, also Neonman.

P.S. I do believe you're real! I just haven't figured out how to e-mail yet. As soon as I do, you'll have my permission.

I've sent my e-mail now, it was a learning curve! Let me know if it hasn't worked and I'll try again.

Evadne, surely! Jack should be in again too...

i agree, Evadne
and DP, also.

outta interest, TD, are you in the US or the UK?

edit: this guy's poem was good:

You do. And how about writing a novel?

Swoosh, without a doubt. There are others I've noticed so I'll look them up. Yep, those are the ones...neonman and Autumn Lover too.

Only three poets?

My knowledge is limited - but please include Russell G, and Swoosh (for his Blue Jeans Autumn day)

i ordered a copy and i can hardly wait. duncan had one this morning too, at least i think it was duncan.

Hi TD this guy a nice guy named the Black Knight is really great .i think he is one of the best out here.he just wrote a poem for a girl whose sister committed suicide and there was not a dry eye between me ' him' and his friends overseas.He also does dark but he is great all.check him out if possible Please....Thank-you Cami.

Eh~hem LOL

90 percent of the YA Minion belongs my friend <3

I'd truly hate to just name a few....

Three? Wow, who shall I pick......?????

I'm awake enough...get a move on TD! Just so much Earl Gray I can over-caffeinate on....

3 poets...*thinking*....OH! I know, I know!!!! And they're here too!