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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem, thoughts???

stale air fills my lungs.
regret surrounds me,
in a sea of painful memories.
ominous questions come to mind,
why didnt i?
could i have?
should i?
what ever the answers
may be,
you left me here,
writing this poem
in your absence.

inspiration: i realized how much i truly liked this one guy, and how i may never see him again. so the years that i spent silently liking him i could have actually talked to him. just thought i would add that to help you understand where this poem came from.

thanks <3

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Regrets
stale air fills my lungs.
regret surrounds me,
in a sea of painful memories.
ominous questions come to mind,
why didnt i?
could i have?
should i?
what ever the answers
may be,
you left me here,
writing this poem
in your absence.

inspiration: i realized how much i truly liked this one guy, and how i may never see him again. so the years that i spent silently liking him i could have actually talked to him. just thought i would add that to help you understand where this poem came from.

thanks <3

This is so kool. I too was like that. I thought of this guy but he didn;t think i was alive, so i never saw him after that, i still of him, like he makes me feel special and i always feel that cool mesmerizing smile on his face, then I feel all so great and begin to fantasize about us, and the things that we would have done, that will never be.

I understand it completely. Nice.

I believe it to be a excellent first starters poem great!

This poem applies to many things, not just a could have been relation. We all pass through life wishing that we have taken actions that we did not take, so it has a great message/ theme.