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Position:Home>Poetry> Can this poem take you on a ride?

Question:Let Go
By Semper Fi Reborn

Let go now
Inhibitions are professional
So let go and come with me
Around this bend in the road
Over that hill
Look down into the valley of hope
See the cabin's chimney puffing serenely
Mingling with the cold mountain air
Silent crisp air
Split in half by the cry of a hawk
Which has spotted his meal
Found a table
Dined, Check please!
O' your wingspan hides the sun for just a sec...

Is that the stupid phone?
Where was I?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Let Go
By Semper Fi Reborn

Let go now
Inhibitions are professional
So let go and come with me
Around this bend in the road
Over that hill
Look down into the valley of hope
See the cabin's chimney puffing serenely
Mingling with the cold mountain air
Silent crisp air
Split in half by the cry of a hawk
Which has spotted his meal
Found a table
Dined, Check please!
O' your wingspan hides the sun for just a sec...

Is that the stupid phone?
Where was I?

it was alright but not one of your best..keep writing i enjoy the reading..i look forward to them

im sorry that this doesn't answer ur question but add my myspace...

if this was longer and more descriptive, yes. Now, if you only added a beat.................................

Not really


For me it doesn't. But for some people it may. It just didn't grab my attention at all. If it was a little more deeper and like idk Then I could picture myself in it taking me on the ride. But i can't picture myself. So my answer is no.

I think it is relly good! But i don't know that much about poetry. But i think its good.

Very nice--love it when someone can successfully inject legitimate humour into a poem, a poem which had me reading quite excitedly, as if on a ride.

Yes, I'm soaring with the hawk...through the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

Appreciate the ride!

Beautiful description of the presence of God. There is nothing like it. Your words paint beautiful pictures. You are gifted.

It's funny.

I'll go, that sounds good.

It's good




yes it does, but all of your poems do!!!!!!!God bless!!!!!!!