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Position:Home>Poetry> It was brought to my attention by someone that someone is accusing me of being e

Question:"am i evil"

You claim I am evil,
well, maybe I am.
Black magic and voodoo,
Blood letting and sin.

No one that's among you,
know just who I am.
A quiet lonely writer,
living life as I can.

Why must I be evil,
because I write dark.
Would I be an angel,
if my words came out right.

I love the darkside,
that much it is true.
But am I evil, I doubt it,
My life is a bore.

Do not take all you read,
at face value you see.
I'm no good at rituals.
Anton Levay is not me.

It was brought to my attention today by a female I know that someone is circulating rumors that I am an evil person.I write about dark things because of my past, not because I practice black magic. I have no criminal record, I work for a non profit that benefits abused women and I donate time to several charities. If you have proof I am evil in some way, show it...if not, shut the hell up.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "am i evil"

You claim I am evil,
well, maybe I am.
Black magic and voodoo,
Blood letting and sin.

No one that's among you,
know just who I am.
A quiet lonely writer,
living life as I can.

Why must I be evil,
because I write dark.
Would I be an angel,
if my words came out right.

I love the darkside,
that much it is true.
But am I evil, I doubt it,
My life is a bore.

Do not take all you read,
at face value you see.
I'm no good at rituals.
Anton Levay is not me.

It was brought to my attention today by a female I know that someone is circulating rumors that I am an evil person.I write about dark things because of my past, not because I practice black magic. I have no criminal record, I work for a non profit that benefits abused women and I donate time to several charities. If you have proof I am evil in some way, show it...if not, shut the hell up.

if you stand on your head while gazing at an inverted cross, is it still a satanic symbol? and is it evil in itself, or are people evil no matter if they wear black white or day-glo pink?

My pentagrams have halos...

if you are evil then evil is sweet and full of empathy and understanding.don't ever let your darkness be anything better or worse than it is, just keep living by your knowledge of the psyche which only those who have been through hell can know

I don't believe that you are evil. It wasn't me. I think your poems are very good. Dark but not evil. stupid can people get? "dark=evil"...

pretty good poem, i think, despite the less-than-lovely inspiration...

only note: it's Anton LaVey not Levay...he had some interesting concepts, i think. i personally disagree with the portrayal of the Church of Satan as evil, but i understand where you're coming from and i'm not going to try to change your view. (and, i must admit, it's a good and original way to convey the message)

How sad that you have felt compelled to write this poem in your defense. I have read so many of your poems and, while they are dark, they don't lack humanity and even romanticism- they are not at all evil, in other words. I guess I appreciate them because of my past, as well. It is cathartic to have the darkness and pain expressed, and you do it beautifully.

i don't understand why people just stereotype people when they don't even know them. you write what u feel not what u are. atleast that's what i understand.if you were evil ( which i know u aren't) you wouldn't be writing such amazing poems. whoever said that shows how much they know about poetry.not much.....

I just barely know you, Monsieur Steve. No one should judge you as evil, not to you nor anyone. Even from the most critical moments that's going through your life you write it very nice.

Why do you care what anyone say's about your poems. Does it really matter what someone else thinks? Don't look for sympathy in your writings or from someone else, by posting that question. It's almost like your looking for sympathy.Just write.

You are a sensitive person who expresses the bad things that happened to you in the past by means of your poems. Ignore that person, she is not worth your time or attention.

Oh my God. This is Exactly what i want to tell my mom.

Who in the hell is calling You evil!? You are one of the nicest guys i know. Why can't people just leave you alone if they don't like your poetry?
I don't think i'll ever understand people.


dark prince

dark yes
evil no
writes about torment
of his unsettled soul
a good man yes
with pain deep in his heart
though his themes are macabre
his writing is art

Honestly, it is a little vague. I don't see a clear enough description of you in it. You "write dark", and are quiet and lonely, but how so? Specific examples always make writing more interesting and unique. Then you say you "love the darkside", but what does that really mean? Sounds like you are quoting Star Wars. What do you love that might be construed as evil? Also, the last two lines of your poem seem so out of place. You are talking to your accuser, but then switch back to describing yourself. Switching the last two lines with the two before it would help group the ideas better, or adding more lines to accommodate the two ideas. I the Anton LeVey reference is very abrupt as well, maybe blend it into the poem more?

As I have said before in a different section the person or people responsible for such rumors are only jealous insecure little microorganisms of people who have nothing better to do than try to make others look bad. Just do your magic with the written words you weave and all will go away.

I think that woman is just jealous.....pehaps shes just a bitter old nut!

Nice response! Dark is not evil and people need to get that through their heads and stop judging people like that! It's not fair! And it's not right!
Your writing's wonderful! Keep you the bloody wickedness love!?

The problem with society is that they do see people at face value by the clothes they wear, what they write or even their songs. They say they are evil (as they did you), they say they have no heart, want to hurt people. I think society could learn a thing or two from those that write like you do. Not everyone in society has bad things from the past so they don't know how to deal with those of us that do. It's too bad that they can't see within a person, learn from them, get too know then prior to running their mouths.

Too bad a lot of people that get walked all over or have things in their past, can't express themselves like you. Great job! Hopefully it shut them up.

She wants you badly is all. Frustrated. and jealous of your writing ability as well. She'll find someone else to start on soon (probably me) after she reads this. Small minds can't concentrate on one thing very long, too tedious. Just keep writing.

You are evil in that you make some of those on YA jealous of your talent. Other than that, your evilness lives in the heart of the jealous one. Be as evil as you will, just write on.

So many say so much about too many when it would be to their advantage to say nothing.

I believe that you're assuming that the rumors you are hearing about you being evil are negative.

Evil may be the closest word they have to describe your writings and they may be fascinated by you.

The people who are spreading rumors may not be aware of the words dark, macabre, or some other descriptor that fits your writings best. To them, you may be unapproachable because you are so mysterious. Take a look at Stephen King and see if you find him "evil."

Like you, I write what I know about and my writings are very dark because I have been there and experienced much. That doesn't make us "evil."

Based upon experience, people who live in the darkness often become some of the strongest people on the planet, because we are able to guide people through the darkness that they are thrust into and unaccustomed to.

If you haven't discovered it yet, I recommned checking out the classified section of Poets and Writers magazine at their website The magazine can be read for free at their site, the classifieds always have editors looking for new voices, and the magazine is an excellent source of information for new and established writers.

right on sensei! i totally agree with Kara! no one should call anyone evil if they've never seen or met them before! it's ridiculous!you are seriously the nicest guy i've ever met!
~Hara Kantana

I liked your poem it was nice' and i am saddened to know someone is making judgement s on you about your poems.lots of people me included love dark poetry ' but we are just people not evil not sainys just human beings .

my sweet prince you are far from evil and anyone who would spread rumours doesn't hear the way you are with me. your tender words of encouragement can only come from goodness all I can figure is maybe a 16 year old girl would say things like this to try and stop your fan club from reading your work. Evil is someone trying to end the beauty of your writing. Evil you are not.
Just ignore them all

Good response, evil you are not, nor any indication thereof. Your poetry moves thru the darkside(the majority of what I have seen) So what? So be it. Extraordinary poet you are. Please keep sharing, enjoy reading your poetry here! Would there be an elsewhere to read your poetry? I signed into Y/A just last year (summer 2007) and may have (most likely did) missed quite a bit of your poetry.

i don't understand why anyone would call you evil, you are one of the sweetest guys i know. God bless you. if they would just take the time to get to knw you instead of making assumptions, then they would see what a kind hearted person you really are and what a great friend you could be to them. don't let them bring you down, there are just people out there that are like that, you don't need to worry yourself with those kinds of people!!!!!!!!! i love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!