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Position:Home>Poetry> Comments needed for my Poem 'In the Beginning.....'?

Question:This is the first poem I have posted on Answers.Yahoo I was encouraged to do so by reading other people's efforts.

"When I die, Nanna, will I become a bird?"
My four year old grandchild
sentient, puzzled,
attempts to make sense of her world.

Is she delving the same source,
as man
in the darkness of the cave?
Staring out at the vastness of the sky
did he he too think,
this is the right place to be when you die?
And after thoughts of death,
did he question who controlled
the cycle of life?

A momentous concept
quietly understated or hotly debated.
Either way,
I believe it was then,
when the question was asked,
that God was created.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is the first poem I have posted on Answers.Yahoo I was encouraged to do so by reading other people's efforts.

"When I die, Nanna, will I become a bird?"
My four year old grandchild
sentient, puzzled,
attempts to make sense of her world.

Is she delving the same source,
as man
in the darkness of the cave?
Staring out at the vastness of the sky
did he he too think,
this is the right place to be when you die?
And after thoughts of death,
did he question who controlled
the cycle of life?

A momentous concept
quietly understated or hotly debated.
Either way,
I believe it was then,
when the question was asked,
that God was created.

This shows talent and good knowledge of poetic form. I think there is maybe a msterpiece inside you, waiting for the right words. I think you should listen to what the others have to say. TD

Here's an even more momentous concept for you:

Is God outside the scope of human imagination?


Very good. Very true that children do ask questions just like this. Continue on your journey!!!

right place is away few feet ,measure the shadow. ...........YOUR POEM IS EFFECTIVE BUT IMPACT IS LIGHT,ANYWAY NICE CONCEPT.