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Position:Home>Poetry> Can any one understand a deeper meaning behind this poem?

Question:When reality becomes painful to bare
When reality turns into nightmares
Escape is what the mind seeks for
Escape is what the mind seems to create
Searching forever for peaceful times
Searching forever for a world with unlimited happiness
This world only possible in dreams
This world that seems to slowly engulf me
Sleeping forever in this never ending dream
Sleeping forever with this everlasting happiness
Hand in hand with an angel of happiness
Hand in hand with love only possible in dreams
An angel with heart large enough to bring life to any dead soul
An angel with eyes pure enough to see through any darkness
A Love whose Smile powerful enough to take any breath away
A Love whose laughter powerful enough to heal any broken soul
More and more I seem to live in dreams
More and more my dreams seem to become my reality
Dreams that brings tears to my eyes when I am awake
Dreams I miss so much every time sleep leaves my eyes
If only wishes could come true
If only I could sleep forever
If only...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When reality becomes painful to bare
When reality turns into nightmares
Escape is what the mind seeks for
Escape is what the mind seems to create
Searching forever for peaceful times
Searching forever for a world with unlimited happiness
This world only possible in dreams
This world that seems to slowly engulf me
Sleeping forever in this never ending dream
Sleeping forever with this everlasting happiness
Hand in hand with an angel of happiness
Hand in hand with love only possible in dreams
An angel with heart large enough to bring life to any dead soul
An angel with eyes pure enough to see through any darkness
A Love whose Smile powerful enough to take any breath away
A Love whose laughter powerful enough to heal any broken soul
More and more I seem to live in dreams
More and more my dreams seem to become my reality
Dreams that brings tears to my eyes when I am awake
Dreams I miss so much every time sleep leaves my eyes
If only wishes could come true
If only I could sleep forever
If only...

Hi Meamii! I read your poem a couple of times and thought that every other verse was written from the heart and the others were what was going on in your head. There appears to be a 'conflict' of which one you should listen to. Nicely written though!

maybe it is saying that the 'human mind' has 'mind' of its own that acts automatically...

This poem talks of someone who sees continual suffering in the external world and wants to look inside for true happiness. Any eastern meditations should do the trick. Sleep could mean dissolving of the attached/ world-object personality.

I agree most with lines 1 and 2-When reality becomes too painful to bear and turns into a nightmare.

What we would seek then is the solace that comes with dreams.

"An angel with a heart large enough to bring hope to any dead soul", and "An angel with eyes pure enough to see through any darkness', evoke strong emotions of hope.

"Dreams that bring tears...and dreams I miss"- a wistful ending but apt.

If only...

Thanks for sharing-it's good :)

At times our minds create world in which we feel more at home then the 'real world'. When the Devil you are married to causes so much pain you only want to escape, sleep and dreams are welcome.

Call it fantasy. That's all the poem is really. Fantasies that can't exist in reality. I love this poem, it's great!