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Position:Home>Poetry> Hey you poets! Doesn't it feel good to be tangled in a web?

Question:What a wild ride that was. You can get the e-book as well..TD

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What a wild ride that was. You can get the e-book as well..TD

What, did you have to write a poem related to webs to get in there?

Or did you simply have to be a good writer?

Aight, cool. Just thought I'd ask since I'm probably just one of the many hopelessly confused souls out there goin', "What the hell does the question MEAN?!?! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER IT! WEB? WHAT??!"

I think I watch too much Court t.v....your avatar looks like 2 guys in issued clothes in a stark rec yard. (albeit, one is awfully young) What is it, actually?
swoosh is right, I didn't know how to answer either, I put 'sometimes', because I recently got a violation for not having an answer in my response

Now I have to sit here and figure out if you're speaking metaphorically, or if you're talking literally about one of those things I got tangled up in last year in the back yard that took an hour to get off me, or if your reference is figurative and applies to the "web, i.e., Internet.

Metaphorically speaking; We're all tangled up in a web of some sort - usually of our own making.
Literally speaking; I don't care for spiders.
Figuratively speaking; It definitely feels good to be able to share ideas and opinions with people with whom we would otherwise never have the opportunity or pleasure of being in contact!

I truly wish I could put my feelings in to words the way you do...
And TD too, I don't know what I'd do without you guys!
God Bless and Good Night...

Hi dear Semper! I went to, I was familiar with it because that's where my poems in anthologies have been published, but nothing came up when I typed in "Tangled Web Press"

Personally I think you're an awesome writer and have a fantastic knowledge of words and how to best use them effectiviely! I have written and taught, edited, critiqued and co-authored for many years so I feel that I have some small authority to say this.

Here are my contributions to our arachnid friends....I thought you might perhaps enjoy them. Silken was written as a non serious poem of whimsy after standing in my back yard years ago for over an hour gazing at this massive dew drenched web with a banana spider in it's center. I was entranced!

Dangerous Denizen ~ Haiku

perched in dark corner
eight eyes peering, patiently
master fly catcher

Web Master ~ Haiku

iridescent webs
intricately woven lace
a silken peril


I dedicatd this to all who love all living things....

Giant spider, in your shining web
What kind of spidery thoughts
Spin through your eight-eyed head?

A tasty moth? Juicy little flies?
Or just completely content
In looking so dangerously wise?

Your home is a work of art and beauty
Your complicated life so very short, yet
Filled with intricate purpose and duty.

What do you dream of in your web
Oh lovely one, so dangerous and wise
In your dewy, silken shining bed?

By Pamela 1993

Hey…can I help it if I like spiders?


Semper Fi,

Please do not let these poor lost souls pull you down. Your poetry and good will towards others wonderful. Those who do not do such are quick to put those down to do. Continue the path in life you live. Those who live in tangled webs are always out trying to entangle others!!!
You are a star in R&S and Poetry!!! Your star shines brightly!!!

Yes. I'm in the book too. Can't wait to actually get a hold of it!!! =)

Yes, Semper - it feels great! It's very exciting. A real happening in my quiet life. TD and Elysbeth did a wonderful job. I can't wait to receive the book. Hey, we're famous - lol.
I like this web we're all caught in!

Well done TD and Elysabeth.
And no need to deceive.

It was so much fun becoming tangled in this particular web. Now, I can't wait to get to Mars.

I have no idea, actually. I hate being in real webs and I've had abusers who entangled me in the web of their evil. So, actually I HATE being entangled in a web.

By the way, I'm just like Frayed Knot, I actually thought you were in the exercise yard of a penetentiary!! No offense, but in Texas our inmates all wear bright orange! I'm really glad you are a teacher, it sure beats prison!!!!! =)