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Position:Home>Poetry> How do I submit a poem to this site?

Question:I do so enjoy helping people with some constructive suggestions regarding their poems. For a change I would like to submit one of my own but cannot see the link to be able to do this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I do so enjoy helping people with some constructive suggestions regarding their poems. For a change I would like to submit one of my own but cannot see the link to be able to do this.

I can tell you the way it worked with me.

1. I type the poem in a text editor like WordPad or notepad, then click the 'ask' tab at the top left of the Yahoo! Answer's main page; this opens up a window where I paste the poem from the notepad. I then click on preview button at the left bottom of the page.

2. It opens a preview window which gives the preview of the posting. It also allows any corrections or some editing if needed taking me one step back to where I started from. I can do so by clicking 'modify'.

3. Post corrections, I click 'submit' button at the bottom left which finally posts the content on Yahoo! Answers.

One can also add additional details to the posting, right below it under 'additional details' option. This is quite useful if your content is more than 1000 characters being it a limit.

just copy and paste it into your question