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Position:Home>Poetry> This is a finished piece of a rough draft that i posted previously on this site.

Question:"A Fearless Good By"

Embracing into wee hours
Within a glancing night

Eternities passion
of interim flight

Rested, a soothing refrain
A menthol's touch to each

The tearless adieus
Of wistful sighs,
With softening smiles,
Approach a fearless good by

The wanting
The touching

Memories flash back.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "A Fearless Good By"

Embracing into wee hours
Within a glancing night

Eternities passion
of interim flight

Rested, a soothing refrain
A menthol's touch to each

The tearless adieus
Of wistful sighs,
With softening smiles,
Approach a fearless good by

The wanting
The touching

Memories flash back.

This poem is very well written. It's very creative has an excellent flow of verse and internal meter, it's dark yet passionate,captivating. I think you took a one night stand and created a memorable poem if nothing else, and a little fun. The first two lines, are great puns,illuding to the illicit act, and you create the story throughout the body. I would suggest that you scratch the last line,"Memories flash back ",because it takes away from the poem... It forces this poem into someone elses memory instead of our own adventure. You know what I mean? LOL Great work.