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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem written after betrayal. I forgive you cami, but do not forget. How is thi


I swear off my tomorrows,
Yesterdays do not exist.
In the night when I should dream,
Nothing seems to change.

The sky explodes and starts to cry,
The rain begins to pour.
The night i've dread has finally come,
My dreams forever gone.

No escape from constant pain,
Do you hear my silent scream.
All of this a distant dream,
A nightmare that never ends.

Look at me, what do you see,
A broken, silent man.
The deepness of my sorrow,
No hope for my own fate.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "existence"

I swear off my tomorrows,
Yesterdays do not exist.
In the night when I should dream,
Nothing seems to change.

The sky explodes and starts to cry,
The rain begins to pour.
The night i've dread has finally come,
My dreams forever gone.

No escape from constant pain,
Do you hear my silent scream.
All of this a distant dream,
A nightmare that never ends.

Look at me, what do you see,
A broken, silent man.
The deepness of my sorrow,
No hope for my own fate.

What a great poem and a sad poem all in the same one.I read this 3 times ' and everytime i read it i start to cry.I am so sorry for all this as i hurt you and i shattered the lives of 2 great people you and i.I wish i could have it to do over again' but i can't' hopefully down the road i can make it up to you' and maybe forgive myself as no one gives me more pain' than i give myself...Thank-you for unblocking me so i can still enjoy your work ...Cami

You are not broken, and definately not silent. You say so much in your poetry. It's amazing.

that just about made me cry

ur an awesome poet

if i broke up with you, oh, but wait, i dont think i will, your poetry will keep me tied up...

you are really a true poet,
thanks 4 making my day

love and light

From so thought a poet, you so form; searing.

Good style. I like your way of describing a painful situation like that. Sort of like Poe but with a reason why you did it.

Keep writing, Monsieur Steve.

This would be a good aria for an opera. The sadness. the emptiness, the hopelessness. I can see the singer writhing on the stage in all the stages of the operetta, playing out the nightmare that never ends. Good visuals. Thanks for sharing.

wow...i wonder if cami's gonna read this....i liked it...btw! i wrote 5 poems yesterday! thats the most i've ever written in a day! aren't yaproud of me? lol jk jk!