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Position:Home>Poetry> What is the key to writing good poetry?

Question:a deeply felt passion for something or someone

poetry comes from the heart not the head; it is inspired not learned

there are as many kinds of poetry as there are people; each culture has its own variations; each nation its own type

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a deeply felt passion for something or someone

poetry comes from the heart not the head; it is inspired not learned

there are as many kinds of poetry as there are people; each culture has its own variations; each nation its own type

i would think that the key to good poetry is that you just let your feelings out onto paper... write about your passions and things that inspire you!

it depends what you're writing it for. If you've got a subject in mind then speaking from the heart helps but otherwise try not to rhyme it unless you're really amazing because it just sounds childish. Put in some imagery like metaphors or similes. Look at some poets and choose a style you like ( Shakespeare is just classic, Simon Armitage is modern and witty).

write from the heart....write what you know about the very descriptive....and enjoy what you are doing....

i think that poetry is just your feelings down on paper poetry is mainly from the heart not the head

don't use cliches
write it from the heart

Inspiration, imagination, and LOTS of descriptive words. Also a very good, interesting theme to write about. What helps me is to brain storm anything that relates to my theme (even if it relates just the slightest bit), then form the words together, add a few others, and BAM! I've got a poem! ^,^

Hope this helps! Good luck! =D

Rhyming, Ur heart has to come form it, Use feelings, Inspiring, Deep an Dark or Happy an Sad (a theme thing) Put urself in it really feel what your saying, make sure it rolls of the tongue an makes sense, USE EMOTION!