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Question:I know most poets are great with vocabulary. Unfortunately, I am not. What is the word for when someone tries to put on an "act"?

It's for my poem.
Here's where I'm going to use it:

But I see past your faulty guise--
not fooled by ______________.
I can see the sorrow in your eyes
and the pain you've underwent.

(It's about a widow who is too modest to express her pain)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know most poets are great with vocabulary. Unfortunately, I am not. What is the word for when someone tries to put on an "act"?

It's for my poem.
Here's where I'm going to use it:

But I see past your faulty guise--
not fooled by ______________.
I can see the sorrow in your eyes
and the pain you've underwent.

(It's about a widow who is too modest to express her pain)

deception- defined as a misleading falsehood
synonyms: bamboozlement, beguilement, betrayal, blarney, boondoggle, cheat, circumvention, cozenage, craftiness, cunning, deceit, deceitfulness, deceptiveness, defraudation, dirt, disinformation, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, equivocation, falsehood, flimflam, fraud, fraudulence, guile, gyp, hokum, hypocrisy, imposition, insincerity, juggling, legerdemain, lying, mendacity, pretense, prevarication, snow job, sophism, treachery, treason, trickery, trickiness, trumpery, untruth

"your disguise" perhaps?


Nout sure. But it should be "you've undergone".




My heart you've rent???

I couldn't fit one word in there so hows,"your facial facade"
luck,peace and joy to you!

Your lament........ as in, not fooled by your sad stories

your firmament

your disguise