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Position:Home>Poetry> Here is smoe of my newest... What say you?


Field of dreams
A place of lies
Below dark skies
Left to yourself
Ever die
-To live a Fable



Sight through stone
Elemental prophesies
East wind, high waters
Remember, you are mortal



Comfort not found in ice of heart
Old ties burn anew
Living in the life apart
Damned so if I do

I know these are not too long but are they too short. My goal was to fit meaning into a condensed form. I am trying to achieve something new and outside my normal range with these… pleas, your thought would be nice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Fables

Field of dreams
A place of lies
Below dark skies
Left to yourself
Ever die
-To live a Fable



Sight through stone
Elemental prophesies
East wind, high waters
Remember, you are mortal



Comfort not found in ice of heart
Old ties burn anew
Living in the life apart
Damned so if I do

I know these are not too long but are they too short. My goal was to fit meaning into a condensed form. I am trying to achieve something new and outside my normal range with these… pleas, your thought would be nice.

You're acrostic-ing, and I find it charming. I especially love Seer (though I've no clue why *wink*), especially the last line, "Remember, you are mortal." It does need punctuation though. I also like the other two, equally. Somehow you seem to make it less forced than my acrostics. How wonderful.

Fables and Ice are fine, but Seer needs something more to it.

These are a lot like some of the first ones I posted. Mine were funny because I didn't know serious poems could be short. I like your poems, is there something special about them or are they just short?

I see the depth in SEER but if others cannot then you have a problem. It is also hard to do acrostics with such small words.

I love your willingness to try something new, doll. Have fun with this and I will enjoy watching you bloom.

I think these are wonderful little acrostics, especially Seer. You do manage to put depth into so few words. I like all three of them, actually. Thank you.

Great job sis.