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Position:Home>Poetry> Untitled... good?

Question:what do you think of this poem I wrote...?

I hug myself in hopes that it feels like your embrace
It's been awhile since I've kissed your lips,
But I can't forget the taste.
The feeling, the sensation,
The awareness of perfection.
I was in love,
And I still am

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what do you think of this poem I wrote...?

I hug myself in hopes that it feels like your embrace
It's been awhile since I've kissed your lips,
But I can't forget the taste.
The feeling, the sensation,
The awareness of perfection.
I was in love,
And I still am

Yay! I like it. It has a wonderful unrequited love feeling in a perfect way so that it's specific, but still open enough to apply to most anyone.

I think that you've got a typo there. You forgot a period at the end of "And I still am".

It makes me feel the way it should. Great job.

i LOVE it! short and sweet and you can definitly feel the emotion in it. good job=]