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Position:Home>Poetry> Does sound devicce poem has to rhyme?

Question:( I am doing a "onomatopoeia" poem)

Does it have to rhyme AT ALL?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ( I am doing a "onomatopoeia" poem)

Does it have to rhyme AT ALL?

No it doesn't have to rhyme at all. In fact most don't.

No. Just make sure you have a beat to it. And that the poem doesn't start with rhyming, then stops rhyming, then starts rhyming again. In other words, ff you're doing a non-rhyming poem, make sure none of the lines rhyme and if you're doing a rhyming poem make sure there a rhyme scheme (The sequence in which the rhyme occurs. The first end sound is represented as the letter "a", the second is "b", etc....abab cdcd....)

No. Poetry doesn't have to Rhyme. But it should have some form of rhythm.