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Position:Home>Poetry> We are the kids of the future poem?

Question:can someone help me with a poem called We are the kids of the future
just strart it with we for example we will one day run this world

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can someone help me with a poem called We are the kids of the future
just strart it with we for example we will one day run this world

We are the kids of the future...

Each and every day,
The pressure is overspoken.
We the children of today,
Our passions is the token.

Given life and given choices,
we are the last chance.
This earth, so mad and dirty
needs a fresh new dance.

Before us, all they did
was fill the air with smoke
and what they didnt realize,
is soon we'de all be broke.

beacause of them we are forced
to make some real tough turns,
and with that now we can try
to fix these nasty planet burns.

ew. im sorry im pretty bad.

someone, why don't you begin it with those very lines:

We are the kids of the future
we will one day run this world

. . . . and continue from there embellishing it with poetic reasons why kids will run this world. That would be a nice personal and meaningful poem!!
good luck