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I’m gassed
by TD Euwaite

I’m slow and getting older,
Usta’ could stop her on a dime, fifty cents, a dollar,
But, at three bucks a gallon,
Doc Holiday
...couldn’t go from 99 cents to a dollar on that gun…


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
I’m gassed
by TD Euwaite

I’m slow and getting older,
Usta’ could stop her on a dime, fifty cents, a dollar,
But, at three bucks a gallon,
Doc Holiday
...couldn’t go from 99 cents to a dollar on that gun…


I don't really know
what all the fuss is
Everyone's whining
about high gas prices
Have no idea
why people flee from me
I have plenty of gas
and mine is all free.

Free gas!..
Free gas!..
Come get your free gas!
As long as you don't care
That it comes from my...

The poems you post: are they meant seriously, or tongue-in-cheek?


No, not really.

Such gaseous humor! How about an Euro stop?

Good one, TD...and it is, in fact, expensive!

I like it with as much passion and verve as you put into writing it!

Yes, and I'm just 'fuming' about it too.

Do you need a loan?

Sorry I don't mean to cause any offense but it's not really my sort of poem - I don't think the plot is clear enough - I know it's about money, but apart from that I don't see it.

Hope I helped


That's cute! And actually sad....because it's the "dam" truth!
(Wasn't sure about putting the "n" in there.)


Excellent opinion about....why not make this the battle cry of the 'fed up' people...who keep paying thru the nose(and wallet)...while beaurocrats have their gas expense paid for by the American people.

Just a random opinion. Could be true. Good poem...if it was $3 bucks a word, I could buy 12 gallons of gas.

Thats worth a buck 2 eighty.


I'm a bit gassed too myself..wait.that's not what you talking about eh?

My bad <3

Loved the write *^_^*

Well, it's pretty neat but I'm too dumb to get it.

Between your and Ultrastooge I will give on buck.
Love, honey

I'd say this poem is worth $3.25 as I didn't get it spot on the first time.

With 75% TAX ADDED The cost in England its over £1 per LITRE!