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Position:Home>Poetry> I wrote another poem. just sper of the moment. Tell me, what do you think?

Question:What to write? I do not know.
Nor do I know what to write about.
No feelings needing expressed,
No love or hate,
No sad or distraught thoughts.
Oh how I long to write something.

Sounds of pencils moving about the paper,
Only makes my heart beat faster.
Oh how I long to write somenting,
Something deep and meaningful,
Something instperational,
But what?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What to write? I do not know.
Nor do I know what to write about.
No feelings needing expressed,
No love or hate,
No sad or distraught thoughts.
Oh how I long to write something.

Sounds of pencils moving about the paper,
Only makes my heart beat faster.
Oh how I long to write somenting,
Something deep and meaningful,
Something instperational,
But what?

let me give you a piece of your own advice.
"don't listen to all these haters. if you didn't have one or two, your poems wouldn't be GREAT." as you told someone else once. Having so many haters only means that you've written something so deep that very few can comprehend.
That one was pretty great! I still think its cool how you did that.

and this one. you really struck something alot of students can relate too. I mean sooner or later a teachers going to assign a writting something or nother and there's bound to be at least one student who can't deside what to write. and professional writters get writers block all the time. your poem makes me wonder how many of them have written something about not knowing what to write when they have no idea what to write about.

very nice'

thats great. just the heart beating faster part is a bit too corny.

Wow - that's pretty good. But it's a little bit on the wordy side - change do not to don't.

Ugh...very amateur.

Oh how I long to read something interesting

Sounds like you figured out what to write about

That is excellent!!! A little to wordy if you know what i mean.

your completely empty... devoid of heart or soul. never touch a writing instrument again.

What does this mean
No one knows
I pucker up
I think it blows

Wow, I go through that all the time. Lol. Um you could change some sentences:

No feelings needing expression

Like it. :) Good Job

its good, I like it, It reminds me of english class when the teacher makes everybody write a poem, but your struck with writers block. its good.

it sounds like you want to get your feelings out so bad but cant with this poem so...maybe you shouldnt write a poem but do something else instead

Its nice. You can make it more lofty and visual... (like the pencil sounds-- aimless scribbles on paper longing for some direction, some purpose)

I've fixed some errors:

What to write? I do not know.
Nor do I know what to write about.
No feelings needing expression,
No love or hate,
No sad or distraught thoughts.
Oh how I long to write something.

The sound of pencils moving on paper,
Only makes my heart beat faster.
Something deep and meaningful,
Something inspirational,
Oh how I long to write something...
But what?

ummm its good

I didt like it this much :p

Woa. Deep. Nice one.

omg i really connected with it as if i wrote was the best ...poems like thats makes you feel alive again