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Position:Home>Poetry> Who is an inspirational perso [dead or alive] thats famous ?

Question:i have to write an extended metaphor poem about so if you could give me something to compare he or she to...its be nice

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have to write an extended metaphor poem about so if you could give me something to compare he or she to...its be nice

bob marley, anne sexton, andre gide, vaclav havel, britney spears, john fennelly, andre 2000, ayn rand, or victor hugo. don't forget sartre, sappho or voltaire. lastly, one of the best unrecognized would be the playwrite edward albee.

they each had very difficult (have, if alive) independent struggles and all are/were touted as being unique for their own abilities. lots of content to pillage and find your own discoveries for metaphorical poetry. metaphors are meant to be broken...or at least re-written. as far as comparison, find a bit of their history and they all have the beauty of being true now. lifestyles, methods, attitudes. it isn't difficult to find common themes or diverse themes, whomever you choose. but i wish you good luck, it's an interesting topic:)

Write about James Dean's life as a car crash or Sylvia Plath baking something. Ironic