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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is it that am I missing?

Question: What is it that am I missing!?
Part of me feels satisfied, part of me feels miserable and frustrated, and part of me feels lost - that is my self diagnosis!.

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Welcome to the real world,where more than half the population feels that!. You can't feel happy nor sad all the time and it's natural that sometimes you feel a mix of both - just like you can feel fulfilled and empty at the same time!. That's because some fields of your life may actually be working well and some others not that much!. But that's pretty much what happens to everyone and it's what kind of keeps us alive!. I know that Alexander the Great felt bored and disappointed when he took over the whole world because he just didn't have anything to fight for anymore!. So it's important that you fight a bit everyday!. Sometimes what we think is bad - problems and obstacles and so on - is actually useful since it forces us to focus and to put our abilities into practice!. It's important to do something useful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's why people learn something about psychology, spirituality and I would suggest Emotional Intelligence!. It's a well studied field and is used in everything from sports and business to family counseling and life!. You can probably find things that are clear and understandable on every subject, but it takes some work to find!. I don't know how anyone can master life without a lot of the right information on how things work, including emotions and the mind!. After all, the mind is where you do all your business!. lol Negative feelings are energy around negative thoughts!. Roughly, the more time you spend on a negative thought the more energy is attached to it!. The reverse is true!. The more things you can be thankful for the more the energy accumulates there and the better you feel!. Changing the wrong or exaggerated thoughts behind a feeling, changes the feeling into a true and healthier feeling, which you can then look at the thoughts behind the new feelings for errors in thinking!. To put it simply, what you worry about is often relatively insignificant and the problem is mostly that you can't stop thinking about it!. There are a couple of tricks!. One is to drop negative judgmental biased opinion words for descriptive more scientific objective words!. But mostly people who have this problem the most use their intuition the least!. Relaxing and listening to that still small voice, you will find it will guide you as to what do say, do or where to get the inforamtion you need!. That's the secret that gets so many people through and they don't even know it!. If you do you will get ahead of mostly everyone!. Thats why meditation is so popular to get to listen to your thoughts objectively!. It's kind of getting out of yourelf to see the other persons view and also listening to yourself more deeply!. So much of life is just like that!. Doing something and what seems to be the exact opposite almost at the same time!. It keep you more balanced!. That's the way the mind works!. It goes back and forth from a left brained to a right brained view, not getting too stuck on one view, for instance stuck on only your wants or even needs and not concidering a much larger and even universal picture!. Caring as much about others as yourself sort of!. Us, loving people, makes us happy and caring for them and there pain also is love!. Anyone bothering you is probably bothering themselves also and also in pain, and even as soft as you inside!. It's amazing!. An intuitive person doesn't have all those problems except for the tensions necessary to get you out of bed and to move forward!. That all seems clear to me!. I hope it is to you also!. If your lost, let you intuition, that inner sense, common sense, be your guide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The good news is that you are satisfied on some level!. What satisfies you!?

In my personal experience when the ugly faces of misery, frustration, and being lost show up, I grasp on with talons to the things that satisfy me, being mindful of indulgence!.

I feel like we are faced with these demons that make us feel inadequate because we feel like we are expected to be a certain way, have a certain lifestyle, make x amount of money, solve all the problems of the world and still get 8 hours of sleep at night, then to do it all over again!.

In my experience most of our frustrations come from an unhealthy attachment to people, things, ideas—etc!. We are told by society that we should behave a certain way, achieve certain goals!.!. But why!? What I don’t understand is why it isn’t required by society to take care of you first, and others second!.

We allow ourselves to get caught up in the past, and future—The only thing that matters is RIGHT NOW, what are you doing RIGHT NOW to be the best person you can possibly be!. Dwelling on the past certainly isn’t going to change anything and the future may never even come, so don’t you think its important to only focus on the present!? I know it seems crazy because society tells us that we need to prepare for the future, save money, have goals—and to some extent we should, because eventually the future will be today—But dwelling on what will happen is like torturing kittens!

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment!.” ~Buddha

I see it like this, you have a garden!. In order to maintain that garden you must pull out weeds, rotate soils, plant seeds, pick the fruits and veggies!.!. Sometimes you have some left over to share, and sometimes you don’t, but if you don’t maintain your own garden then how in the heck are you suppose to help anyone else with theirs!. That garden provides you with health, energy and creativity—But with no attention, soon you will just have a bunch of weeds and rotten fruit!. (Depression, frustration, loneliness, etc!.)

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection!.” ~Buddha

I don’t know how to inspire someone to come out of the depths of misery, but I can offer this, when you loose attachment to that which ails you, then you are free!. You are in control of how you feel, behave, act, react and most importantly you CHOOSE to allow yourself to feel miserable, to feel frustrated, to be uninspired!.

Something that has really allowed me to put things in perspective is Buddhist teachings!. I can not say I am Buddhist, but the words inspire me, a long with about a hundred other philosophies, but I have found that meditation, and something as simple as daily quotes from a Buddhist site really help me stay focused on my purpose in life!.

Yes, I am human!.!. I have days where I don’t want to get out of bed, and nights where I cry myself to sleep!.!. but I can always pull myself out of bed and find a way to dream sweetly knowing that it is an attachment I have to something unhealthy, and tomorrow, if it comes-- that attachment doesn’t have to be there if I choose to let it go!.

Its a long road, but lucky for us, no matter what road we take, there is inpiration waiting with every step we take, you just have to open your eyes, and your heart to seeing and feeling them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guess what!? Humans can have multiple and conflicting emotions!. Now that you know, the next time someone asks "how can I be happy!?" in yahoo answers you will cringe because they fundamentally don't understand the human condition!.

I used to run to Jesus to fix this, but unfortunately, religious zeal only masks the symptoms, it is not a cure for the human condition!.

Now I remind myself that the ten thousand things go up and down but the Tao remains the same!. 10,000 things = my emotions, the Tao = life!.

Oh and this isn't a Psych question because youare describing the state of human life, not some psychological condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Point to the parts that are feeling satisfied, miserable, frustrated and lost!. I think you'll find they are all the same thing!.

I think one is only lost when they don't know the route to their destination!. Deciding on a destination seems helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have lost yourself!.

So Socrates gave the remedy: "Know Thyself!."

Increase the inner light through meditation or Yoga or something of that order, and that light will reveal what you were missing!.

More on my bio!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

G Dr Self, set up two mirrors so that you see two reflections of your self and have a group meeting!.
There are serious and useful techniques available to produce great results, but in your case, Tai Chi or Yoga might be best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you need a goal in life,a purpose to strive for!. Part of you will always be miserable and lost,though,it's part of being human-we're never completely satisfied,are we!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

service, love, knowledge of God!?
maybe your looking for those!.!.!.

I'm not being optimistic or what!.!.!. maybe it's what everyone really needs and you're already feel that you need it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A total human condition!. Focus on service to other people less fortunate than you to fill any voids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


go skydiving!. or run around in a city causing trouble like a kid!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

psych, not philoWww@QuestionHome@Com

well i almost got stabbed last week,,,still smiling so maybe you should too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.change your attitude and LIVE!.!.!.
!.!.!.time is LIFE and it waits for no one!.!.!.
!.!.!.good luck!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com