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Position:Home>Philosophy> "the self and future" by bernard williams, its about exchanging bodies

Question: "the self and future" by bernard williams, its about exchanging bodies!?
had anyone read this!? i'm really confused by itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On the surface of it, it seems a rather sophomoric attempt at deep thought, but the gist of it seems to be based on the question what would happen if all of the memories and all of the charactistics of one were traded with another of similar physical attributes!. The restrictions of the hypothesis alone should tip one off to the absurdities described therein, but with this caveat, I still proceed:

Where this seems to fall apart almost immediately, is that one's personality is also formed by others' perception; the way one experiences others' impression of the self also influences development of the self and one's connection with the external world!. To merely exchange one's identity for another, then, does not merely transfer static attributes and experiences!. What it really does is create an entirely new "self" that is unique from the perspective of the original selves, no matter how much one may subjectively assert a similarity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com