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Position:Home>Philosophy> TRUE or FALSE: Nationalism is bad thing for humanity?

Question: TRUE or FALSE: Nationalism is bad thing for humanity!?
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Yes, the reason that Nationalism is a negative influence for humanity is:

a] It causes separation from man to man!. To live in separation leads to misunderstandings which can be only a step away from the causes of war!.

b] Nationalism puts a personal slant on circumstances and events and seldom takes into account the benefit or welfare of the whole of humanity!. This probably harkens back to our primitive origins when there was safety in numbers so the people herded together to stand against intruders or danger of any kind!.

c] Nationalism creates strife and dissension and reworks history to serve their purposes and advance their agendas!.

One fine philosopher said, "Why not be a world citizen!?" Yes, why not! We are after all very human in our basic needs for peace, love, security, and plenty so that none will starve or live by war!. Perhaps this is an impossible dream, but it's a good one and worth striving for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what you mean, precisely!.

Patriotism!? Nationalism isnt a bad thing, it creates unity and a common goal!. Loyalty is never a bad thing!. We should all be more concerned for the strength of our own governments and the people they represent!.

But like anything else, superficial pride that is unfounded, unwarranted, and in no way sets you apart from others who have a different quality but the same pride!.!.!. is only a basis for arrogance and prejudice!.

When nationalism bleeds into other countries and threatens world peace, then it is a bad thing!. Really, we should have more of a worldism instead of a nationalismWww@QuestionHome@Com

If nationalism become with prejudice, it is so bad, because you will see people with prejudice and you will like just people from your nation!.All such isms are for deceive people of the world and all isms are just hobby, and then powers will misuse all people of the world!. Look all people of the world like a unite nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As Einstein once remarked, nationalism is a disease!. (BTW, Einstein was offered--but refused--the presidency of Israel after it was created!.) Like religion, nationalism is a holdover relic from our more barbarous past, and only serves to artificially divide us as a species!. Nationalism at its core is similar to racism; it divides people into "us vs!. them" groups with, of course, the "us" group being supposedly superior in some way to the foreigners!.

While I am glad that I am an American, I do not look down on people because they happened to be born in a different country!. And I look forward to the day when we as a species will have matured enough to be able to put all these artificial and arbitrary divisions behind us!.

I disagree, nationalism proposes to unify everyone under the same banner!. While some might claim this will bring us together, I believe otherwise, nationalism and any other overarching system of belief, value or otherwise is an attack on diversity, multiculturalism, and respect for individuals or groups to create their own meaning and narratives in their lives!. Nationalism promotes a monocultural logic, pronouncing sameness, conformity and xenophobia over diversity, individuality, and respect for difference!. We need different perspectives and views on life, otherwise, we are condemning generations of people to continuously reproduce the same conditions of life!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The nationalism that the Germans felt during WWII was bad for "humanity"!. The nationalism the fighters in the French Resistance felt because of the Germans occupying their country was good for humanity!.

It depends on the who, how and why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really gives humans something to strive for, and brings much unity!. But unfortunately, some people in the government are corrupt and feel the need to impose the federal government on us "for the nation!." I don't know, I can see it from both sides!.Www@QuestionHome@Com