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Position:Home>Philosophy> When achilles com to the fort of roy and challnges hecor to fight why is he unch

Question: When achilles com to the fort of roy and challnges hecor to fight why is he unchallanged!?
it looks unealistic that hector will come out to fight one on one with achilles -when every one knows he is he greatest warrior of heir tims,but even if you ignore that,certainly they should hav don something when achilles was dagging hctors dad body tied behind his chaiot,why did hy have to endure such disrespect when they could have easily taken down achilles with arrows from thei fort!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Greek society was very different from modern society (trust me!.!.!.I'm studying this right now)!.

Even though Achilles is renowned for being the best of his time, by calling Hector out, he is challenging Hector's honor!. Honor meant so much more in Greek society than today!. Without ones honor, you were nothing!. You were better off dead!. That's why Hector fought--he fought for his honor!.

By winning the contest, Achilles had the right to do whatever he wanted to Hector!. If anyone infringed upon this, they violated the terms of the fight and would ruin their honor as well as Hector's!.

First of all a little lesson in spelling goes a long way!.

Now to your question: They left Achilles and Hector alone because they were both the ultimate warriors from each side, and that is was a sign of both respect and endearment that they let them fight 1v1!. Shooting Achilles in the back when he is leaving would be seen as very cowardly, and the people of Troy would not have wanted to be seen as cowards, especially to the cowardly Greeks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose you have not read 'Illiad,' and are going solely on the movie!? Even in times of war, there is dignity and honor!. Yes, Achilles showed disrespect, but had Priam shot him, they would have stooped to his level, and that is not something that a King does, even over his sons body!. Had Hector been alive, he would have approved of the decision to not take down Achilles!.

I know it seems odd to us today, because several nations are willing to invade and kill who ever needs to be killed to get the job done, but back in those times, Dignity was far more important than survival!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In those days they did not think of war as we do now, it was more of a contest of personal valor!. Each side would usually send a Champion to do battle and everyone else watched!. They had not yet invented the concept of total war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the idea back then was all about honor!. he fought him 1 on 1 because of honor, they didnt shoot him with arrows because of honor!. and no, they didnt know achillies was unbeatable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com