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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think if everyone knows the exact date and time of his own death..?

Question: Do you think if everyone knows the exact date and time of his own death!.!.!?
!.!.would people be more insightful on the manner that they would wanna spend the days of their lives!?

!.!.would we be less or more evil!?

!.!.would our society be better with people who are aware of their own limit of existence!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that really depends on the perception of every person!.

every person has his/her own way towards happiness!. some people perceive happiness as making everyone happy and some perceive it by making himself contented!.

if every people know then the world be in chaos!. there is nothing to look up to!. you dont feel alive, you feel you are just one of the walking dead!.

i better not know my own death so life would be worth struggling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is always a fixed time and date for everyone's death, our souls would be taken away on that exact time!.
No matter how much workout you do, or live with the best protocol!.

And coming to the answer of the question, if we get to know the assigned dates of our death!. Our society will become an angels society!. Every one will be into good deeds, because knowing the death date will keep reminding them the day of judgment!. (Those who believe in judgment day will really agree to this) Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are those who do know when they are going to leave their bodies behind!. To them it's a minor thing, like taking off a tight shoe!. They know they are not their bodies!. They feel no fear!. Others must go through the fear to find it isn't anything!. Fear is an illusion, it's a feeling of impending doom, but we are always completely protected!. But you must go through it to know that and when you see your life as protected and safe, you see your final transition as that as well!.

When we feel safe we are kinder because there is nothing to attack to be safe!. Insight comes with knowing you are safe!. Where there is love, there can be no secrets!.
In a true sense, there is no limit to us as children of God!. The false belief in limits lets people justify heinous acts!.Seeing others and self as infinite allows change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would
!.spend some good time
!.take the family to some nice places more offtin
!.see all the family members, and guess what!?!? we are all around the world so that will be a pain in the ***
!.Finish somethings i didn't get to do or was doing to, pretty evil
!.i'd do something for the first time, and something for the last time
!. i'd pray to have a comfortable and peacful stay wherever i go in the next lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's a very good question, but keep this in mind; our lifespan could shorten or lengthen depending on what choices we make!. Say we have only a few years to live because we are living unhealthily, but we have a revelation and start working out, eating right, etc!. We would extend our life span by at least a bit, no!?

But to actually answer!.!.!.well, this is a question that can't be answered unless this event were to happen, because we can't really know!. People might think they'd be better and think they mean it, but they might be worse because they might think "If I only have so long to live, why not have some fun by killing and robbing and etc!?" Get my point!? Humans are too complex to make a decision and have it be either a permanent one or a truthful one (whether or not we know it)!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,
"In Heaven So on Earth," M!. Scott Peck, M!.D!.,
"Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M!.D!.,
"Light Is a Living Spirit," O!. M!. Aivanhov,
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,
"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, and
"Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph!.D!., seem to say so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they would, but we can't really know!. The extent of our life to death if determined by our own actions; we do a good thing, a little life is added to our candle, now if we do a bad thing life is shortened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can know the exact date & time of my own death!.!.!.if I make that choice!.

The average person does not know how to use death (or the concept thereof) to their advantage!.

Everything would still be exactly as it is!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would try to end my life before this "limit" so as to challenge the Death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with everything!.And you know,I never thought of it that way actuallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

We will never be able to any move!.

Hopeless world only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your question is stupid!. Prove me wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com