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Position:Home>Philosophy> Of mice and men - are dreams pointless and futile if your on the periphery of so

Question: Of mice and men - are dreams pointless and futile if your on the periphery of society!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no,dreams are not pointless and futile,bu there are different dreams for different people,suppose there is a wealthy man-lets say he dreams to buy a rolls royce and the like,thats his big dream,he may even one day "dream" about owning the whole world but thats not realistic so it wont be a powerful motivating impulse in him,its just a stray thought but someday owning a rolls royce may motivate him practically!.now suppose there is a very poor man who has never eaten a decent meal in his life,he may "dream" about a rolls royce but thats just a stray thought for him-how can he realistically hope to own one day!?!.!.as he is only high school educated he may dream of finding a decent enough job some day,thats a realistic dream for him so it will be a practical motivation for him, my point is everybody dreams both the extravagant and the practical,and we tend to do something about our practical dreams,and the extravagant and the practical depends upon our circumstances -same as a necessity and luxury is entirely relative according to the individual and the society he lives in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Dying all the time- lose your dreams and you will lose your mind, ain't life unkind!? "
It doesn't matter what vein of society you flow, we all must dream!.
