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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the saying true ' he who laughs last, laughs best ' ?

Question: Is the saying true ' he who laughs last, laughs best ' !?
and where does the saying originate from !?

also how would you implement it, could you give a scenario where you could utilise the saying !?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is the very cynical concept that winners gloat and laugh at losers!. Fortunes reverse, because the game is cyclic, and yesterday's loser laughs at yesterday's winner The current winner, former loser has laughed last !.!. until fortunes reverse again!.

As an example, my co-worker has always invested his money in guaranteed fixed return government securities!. I had invested a sizeable portion of mine in stocks!.

Until recently, my retirement fund was worth more than his, just becuase of this investment style!. I was laughing because he was too cautious!. Recent events in the stock market result in his retirment fund being bigger than mine!. He is now laughing!. Today he is laughing last!.

I intend to keep my fund in the same investment style and hopefully catch up with him again!. I hope to be the one to laugh last (in the future!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a metaphor, it implies that people who get the last laugh-which is also a metaphor, are the winners in a situation / rivalry !.

John pulled a knife on mark, and laughs saying
"what you gonna do now you loser, hahaha"
Mark quickly pulls out a gun from his pocket, shoots john and replies
"i'm gonna do that, hahaha"
He who last laughs last, laughs bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

As I gather, the original saying was "he who laughs first laughs worst", but that rhymed and many didn't like the o rhyming with the i, so they banned it from use way back when!. The original saying may have been true, but that doesn't mean the current interpretation of it is correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In its literal meanings the adage becomes almost impractical!. The superlatives are there in place merely to bring some message home, as a quickening in laugher would require an ability to understanding the laughable fast, which often is become a matter envy and pride!. I really like to get to the core of things fast, get to the punch line even before it is delivered, so that, I may be the first to laugh, to first to enjoy, and then I can see who hasn’t got the joke, who is slow to understand!. This I believe is common in human beings that we like to be smart, but often in our bid to get to the heart of the matter fast we make mistakes, and often make a fool of ourselves instead!.

The wisdom therefore in not in the literal meanings of the worlds but in the sense that this quote is trying to convey just so effectively!. I think in the matters other than the related to informal chitchat, and even here, it would be wise if we gave some time for things to reveal their full effect, not only upon ourselves but also upon the ones present aside us!. It is often good to consider as at who something being said is being targeted at, as our subsequent response might act like fuel to the fire!.

I remember once the popular funny man, John Cleese - currently Q in the Bond movies – saying: ‘the one who laughs most learns best’!. Now, the technique is the same, simple and effective, but meaningfulness ever so ironic and bemusing, which does not suggest that one should laugh least, but to understand what does it mean to laugh, the epitome of one’s understanding most jovially expressed!.


ok your in a fight and the person that is bulling you starts to laughs at you and you know that your like a 5 degree black belt and the bully does not know this and then you laugh after him you got the last laugh and it is the best laugh because you know that your going to win the fightWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think Rule-Britannia has the closest interpretation!. If you have ever read MAD magazines, it is kind of like the SPY vs SPY cartoons where one spy thinks that he has the jump on the other, when in reality the other spy has the advantage, and it always ends with the triumphant spy laughing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on why you're laughing last!. Did you kill everyone else!? Then yes, you're definitely laughing best!. Are you laughing last because you didn't get the joke and simply want to fit in!. Um, no, you're not laughing best!. OK, this is completely tongue in cheek!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, it's the truth!. Sometimes people laugh at a person at school , for example!. But then he becomes a Big Boss and then he laughs at his looser mates!. He laughs the last, laughs best

But I don't know the origin!.!.!. I think It was an interesting story ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, I usually LOL at these DOGs especially BAD Doggies cos they are just the entertainment clownS of my life all the times!. hee hee!.!.!.funny how come i can't be a clown to the doggies ah!? oh, i dun lie to be someone's clown!. lol!. FREE show 247!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the patient stood proudly on the 'shrinks' now 'lifeless' body shouting and laughing -camera pans left,then right,the pt says in 'disturbia' voice,"he who laughs last,laughs loudest/best!.

I'm currently on leave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he who laughs last, laughs longest, that i believe is the correct version, however i am not sure that is true, but not sure of its origins!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

That isn`t the saying, the saying is `He who laughs last laughs loudest`, meaning those people who take the time normally get the upper hand!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the saying is true, as is also "Revenge is a dish best taken cold "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stupid quote in my opinion!. It should be, "He who laughs last, only laughs temporarily"Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's about one upping someone else or getting revenge!.
you did this so I do this to get you back!. last laugh!.
Unfortunately it never ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They probably say that cause everyone is done laughing by they time he laughs last!.!.!.that means we can hear him laughing aloneWww@QuestionHome@Com

He who laughs last probably did not understand the joke in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he who laughs last is probably still pondering the joke!.
enjoy the dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

He who laughs last, thinks slowest!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

laughs longestWww@QuestionHome@Com


the longestWww@QuestionHome@Com

he who laughs last didnt get the jokeWww@QuestionHome@Com


I agree with Jen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com