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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that alcohol is destroying our society?

Question: Do you believe that alcohol is destroying our society!?
There is no doubt that alcohol is a HARMFUL DRUG but the government ignores it completely and we all know why!.

Bring prohibition back to save our society from the worst drug of all!.

Thanks a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alcohol is a drug legalized !.!.!. And many people do not see it !.!.!.

Speak of other drugs, as if the alcohol was an innocent thing !.!.!.

Kisses, my friend!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I live for that statement!. I am so against alcohol!. I had to go through it before it hit me though, I realized how much it sucked getting dizzy and unaware and falling, stumbling, throwing up, seeing people get crazy violent!. I dont know, I hate alcohol, it brings the devil out in people though!. The nicest person can be destroyed by alcohol!. I will not drink again, I refuse to support it, and wish it was illegal and banned!. Urgh!! There are drugs out there that are far less harmful or barely at all that are all illegal, sometimes very freakily illegal!. Tylenol is another bad one, if you can overdose, it is bad, that's the way I kind of judge things whether or not they are good or bad usually!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alcohol, caffeine, food, cigarettes are all dangerous when taken in excess, all things in moderation, within the constraints of individual will power!. Since the governments have taken from its beleaguered civilians all modes of respite from their created chaos and mayhem, they should at th every least leave some modes of comfort for the populace!.

Yes alcoholics drink excessively, some smoke to excess and others consume inordinate amounts to their physical needs, you cannot limit supply because certain groups are unable to control consumption, or use alcohol as excuses for their bad behaviour or lack of scruples !.!.!.

Hashish and such drugs are socially taken accepted modes of relaxation!. The weak malign all things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germans seem to do fine and they drink more beer per person than any other country!. In fact, beer is considered a food item!.

The French drink wine!.

Americans just don't know how to drink and enjoy being that you mentioned prohibition!. Prohibition is not going to solve anything except eliminate the taxes on liquor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have wasted billions of dollars on our war on drugs, just as we did in the
20s and 30s with prohibition!. We turned s few small time crooks into
organized crime!. They are still with us!. Everybody still had all they
wanted to drink but now they had major crime to go along with it!.

we are the government!. we learn very slowly!. some never learnWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ummmm NOT AT ALL!. Alcohol is a good time, and alcoholics, and I know alcoholics, arn't like killing the world and its deff notthe worst drug there is (that would be meth, trust me, I know my drugs!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alcohol is dangerous, yes but all of life is dangerous!. Prohibition is not the answer!. Prohibition just fuels crime!. Education and compassion are our best hopes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I truly believe it is the
of the individual,
that leads to everything that is
negative in society today!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prohibition has been tried, didn't work then won't freaking work now!. All it's going to do is create more Al Capone types!. We have enough problems with the 'war on drugs' already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all like to break the rules if prohibition applies then alcohol consumption will increase
i think awareness should be made in youth thats the only way to get rid of this alcoholWww@QuestionHome@Com

Alcohol is awesome!.!.but i also know it's really bad!.!.!.it's a thing about limiting one person!.!.!.!.it's sad to see people waste away on such poisonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stop being such a pissed off dyke and go drink a beer, it will come you down i promise!. You watch too much daytime TV!. Go out, party a littleWww@QuestionHome@Com

no alcohol is not to blameWww@QuestionHome@Com